Friday, July 8, 2011

Day 8 - July 7

 Today is Thursday and is my last day of my first week of classes. Luckily I woke up on time today too. In my food class we made a fresh pasta with pesto sauce, three kinds of focaccia bread, and a chocolate cake with raspberry topping. It was, of course, amazing! I was in charge of the chocolate cake and I would like to say that it was delicious!! The whole class thought the same thing as well! The focaccia bread was very good too. We made a regular one with spices and sage, one with cherry tomatoes, and then the last one (my favorite) was with green olives. Yum! I even got to take some home for later also which was my snack before my photography class.
 My photography class went a lot better today too! We spent the beginning talking about the easier functions on the camera that doesn't make me have to set each and every setting on my own. So then we walked around the city taking pictures of different things and our teacher took us to places where not a whole lot of tourists go also, which was cool to see. We were down in the river on a levi where people hang out and tan, so we had a lot of interesting subjects to capture. Hopefully I find some good ones after I go back through what I took later.
 Once I got back from class my roommates and I went to the most amazing place in Florence in my opinion. It was this church with these large steps that is on the very top of the hill called Piazza Michelangelo. Wow, it was the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. You could literally see all of Florence from a bird's eye view. I was just in awe at the view we had and how cool it was to see so many people there just to watch the sunset. It was a lot of fun because we brought a big bottle of wine, some bread, and olive oil to dip it in while we waited to watch the sunset. Talk about perfect!! The pictures I took do not at all do this place any justice because hiking up this massive hill that was probably a 35 minute walk, uphill, made the view seem that much better. Finally when the sun did set, everyone around us started clapping. It was just cool to see everyone there just to see something like that and be so happy just to see the sun go down. It was a cool feeling. So after we cleaned up, we all made the trip back down the hill and headed back home to our apartment. When I got home my roommate Carrie and I stayed in while the others went out for food and drinks. JJ and I skyped...probably for way too long...and then I went to sleep. Much needed sleep that is because tomorrow is a busy day!

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