Thursday, July 7, 2011

Day 7 - July 6

 Well I have officialy been in Italy a week! That is crazy to think because I have done so much during that time and while it was going on it seems like forever, but in the big scheme of week is already gone!!! Too quick...
So...Wednesday morning my alarm goes off at 8am, which you would think would be easy to wake up to since I actually went to bed before midnight. Haha well after I subconciously turn my alarm off I all of a sudden wake up at 8:50 for my 9am class. Needless to say I was in a rush. Good thing it took me 5 minutes, literally, the get ready and 2 minutes to be in my classroom. Thank god I live close to school because some other people have a 20 minute walk for some of their classes. Anyway, in Food class today I made...fresh pasta!! From scratch!! It was so much fun! And also very easy, granted we had a pasta maker so it was a lot easier. I was so surprised how easy it was to actually make my own pasta. All you need is flour, eggs, and a little bit of salt. I feel like I had to learn how to make homemade pasta at some point, but I learned on the third day of class! It was really cool. The class
also made these amazing bell peppers and sausage mixture that was sauted and unbelievable.
That is definitely something that I am going to remake. We also had some risoto with some brucheuto (don't know how to spell it) ham. Then for dessert we had a Nutella cake! Oh god it was so delicious!! Its funny to think that when I first got here I was so busy that I barely ate, but now I am eating like an Italian queen!! I was finally full from our massive lunch for the first time that I had gotten to Italy because I was trying to save money the whole time. I am really happy that I am in this class now especially because it provides lunch, and if we are lucky, leftovers!! So once again my cooking class was spectacular. Once photography class was not nearly as great. We were working on taking pictures of people yesterday, but I was not very good so didn't really have much to work
with. Our teacher introduced photoshop but I was so bored because I couldn't follow along
with a picture because none of my people pictures were good enough to edit. I had other pictures to play around with but everything that he taught us had to do with learning how to lighten faces and change backgrounds. So I was extremely frustrated to say the least. When class was over, finally, my teacher noticed I was not very excited with what we were doing. He told me not to worry and that I will get better the more I learn and practice, but not to be sad. Hopefully tomorrow will be a better photography day.
Tonight when I got home from dinner my roommate Miyon had already started dinner which was awesome because I was super hungry. We had spaghetti with meat sauce. Very good. Then it was a girls birthday so we went to a Mexican restaurant actually which was
interesting considering where we are for the month! It wasn't too bad, and the Sangria was
really good. After we left, I ended up going home so I could get some sleep and a few of the
other people went out. So about 1am I was able to go to bed after I facebooked, emailed, and
skyped Mom and Taylor. It wasn't all that late and I made sure my alarm was extra loud with
2 snoozes this time as well.

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