Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Day 10 - July 9

 Hello ROME!!!! We left the train station at 8:30am from Florence and had a 2 hour train ride to get to Rome :) And let me just say...I love Roma!! Anyways, when we first got there we walked to our hotel to drop off our things and to change. Today we went to the Vatican City which means we all had to make sure we were dressed appropriately. It was kind of miserable because it was so hot. Your knees had to be totally covered, and so did your shoulders. It was a little funny to hear everyone freaking out about how they were dressed. We did all make it alright though. Just some people had to use scarves and things to cover up. Vatican City...it is totally a city within a city. I was overwhelming at first though because I didn't know what all was what. My tour guide was also kind of hard to hear through the microphone and through her thick Italian accent. But, we did see everything there and it was unreal! The Sistine Chapel was amazing to actually see and hear about because I never thought I would actually be there to see it in real life. Then we went to the Basilica also, which was just as beautiful, and massive. I even got to dip my hand in the holy water in the church so that was a really cool feeling too. There was so much more to the Vatican city than just those two places, though. Sculptures, paintings, and artifacts are just covering the place everywhere you look with so many stories behind them that it was hard to remember what each thing meant. I did get to see where the Pope comes out to wave at everyone, which was really interesting because it was just an ordinary window. I was really surprised that it wasn't more ornate or even a small balcony. It was just the third window from the right at the top of one of the buildings. Very simple, but that is where he stays.
 After the Vatican City tour some of the girls and I did a little souvenir shopping then got some gelato. The amount of gelato that we all have eaten here is a little rediculous just saying. It is absolutely everywhere and on every corner and on every street. After we all finished our nearly melted treat, we hopped on a bus tour of Rome which was so awesome! It was 13 euros to go for the rest of the day to 11 stops throughout the entire city. We saw everything of course, but we only got off the bus at a couple of the stops because there were quite a few things that we were also going to see the next day with our program. The capital building, which was absolutely huge and pure white, and at some ancient structure place, that I don't remember the name of. Holy cow. It was so crazy to think that was how thier buildings looked on a normal basis and how they lived their daily life. So cool to think that all of it is still intact too. I loved it.
 While on our trip through the city, I also did some bargaining. I got me some sunglasses! He wanted 5 euros...I said no I will give you 3 because that was all I had. Haha when he eventually agreed. I handed him a 5 and asked for the change...oops. He was not happy at all. But at least I finally got some glasses since I broke mine at the airport on my way to Italy. When we got back to the hotel...we were in for the best surprise (maybe) of the day. Air conditioning. It was so cold in our rooms that I never wanted to leave. I was so in love. I have never been more excited to go to sleep after such a truly exhausting, hot day than I was for this night all because of the AC!!!! All of us got ready and met up for dinner though. It was all paid for and had appetizers, 2 courses, dessert, and lots of wine! It was so much fun to be with everyone eating and drinking! I did find out that my apartment of people are like the crazy ones though. It is really funny because we were not drunk at dinner by any means, but just have so much fun with each other that it is probably to the point of obnoxious. Between pictures and stupid games, the dinner was a blast...and of course delicious. I had terimisu (spelling?) for the first time also. Not too bad, but not my favorite. Afterwards some people headed to this Ice Bar, but some of us wanted to go to the Trevi Fountain to see it at night. I went to the fountain and I am so happy that I did because it was beautiful at night when it is all lit up. I couldn't believe that I was seeing it and was there making my wish. I only threw 10 cents in though...hope that is enough for my wish to come true!!!!!
 We finally were at the end of the day and I was absolutely drained. The four of us that went to the fountain took the metro back to the hotel and passed out pretty quickly in our nice, cool rooms. It was the best sleep I have gotten since I got to Italy. No heat and no noise. Too bad Florence does not have air conditioning anywhere!!!

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