Monday, July 18, 2011

Day 18 - July 17

 Sunday! Yesterday was fun, and is going to be very hard to top. But I will say that what we saw was pretty cool as well. We went to see Pompei, the city that was destroyed by the volcano eruption and was preserved and uncovered years later. It is still intact today, somewhat, and I got to see it first hand! We got there in the morning and had a little bit of time to look around before going on our guided tour. Weirdly enough I found a lot of souveniors that had penises on them. I'm really sorry but I was super confused and it was a little disturbing how many there were all around. Come to find out, in Pompei it was was a sign of fertility and they played it up very much so. It is still weird, but I guess it makes a little more sense now that I know the meaning behind it. So the tour was amazing. We had the best tour guide who was funny, gave us great information, and spoke pretty good English, which was the best part. We saw all the artifacts that were found and saved from when it was first discovered, statues, people's casts, and a lot of pots/vases. Our tour guide related everything in the city to what we have nowadays also, which was very interesting. There was a part where he was like, "Does anyone like Taco Bell?" Obviously I am the first to laugh and say DUHHHH YES. He showed me where their form of "taco bell" was and how it worked. I took pictures with it. It was their fast food that they would serve for people to just come in and out of. The pizza ovens were there for Pizza Hut, the spas were there which was a lot alike to what we have now. I guess the idea behind it is a lot alike, maybe not the look. There were large bathing areas, and pools, and changing rooms, and even a brothel. The people of Pompei were apparently very interested in fertility, and the making of put it nicely. Haha no but really they had penises carved into the streets and walls of the buildings to point people towards the brothel. I have pictures. It was soooo weird to see that and to think that even back in those were gross. Haha. So we continued walking to see the theater, which is older than the Colleseum actually and even to see where the people drew Roman graffiti! There was a griffin carved into the wall at one place! I was excited because obviously they were thinking of Fontbonne Griffins when doing basically was like a preminition or something. So when the tour finished we got some pizza. Some really good pizza, too bad it took an hour and a half to get. After our long wait, it was time to go back to Florence. 7 hour bus I come. I have never had so much fun in such a small coast like Amalfi, but it was worth every euro spent! I hope someday I can go back with family and friends so I can show you all everything that I got to see. Because hearing me talk about what I saw, is nothing compared to seeing it for yourself. Great...great weekend :)

Me at "Taco Bell"

In front of the ruins of Pompei!!!!

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