Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Day 5 - July 4

 Happy 4th of July!!! Too bad Italy does not really celebrate America's independence :( and I get no fireworks this year!! I did start my clases today though! This morning was the Food of Italy from 9-11:45. OH MY GOD it was amazing!!! We learned about how to work in the kitchen and literally how to cook from scratch! Today I made a homemade tomato sauce and pasta and a white chocolate tart with raspberries and mint! It was so much fun that we immediately got to start cooking! My teacher, Marco, is so awesome too. He is a crazy, fast talking Italian chef who loves to teach students and is great to work with because he really understands that we are all beginners. I learned how to blanch the tomatoes for the sauce, peel and take out the seeds, saute it all together, use the skin and seeds of the tomatoes to make the sauce have more substance, stir the pasta together without using any spoons (just flipping the pan), and finally EATING!! I am going to be such the little cook when I get home!! All fresh tomatoes and basil and garlic and shallots. Tomorrow we are going to the market to learn about what foods are good and how to mix things and what is good to buy. I am so excited for this class and cannot wait to use it all when I get home!! Only catch is we have someone else do all our dishes for us in I cook, some else will have to clean! :)
 I also went to the market for the first time today. Wow! It was so cool to have so much fresh foods and gross looking meats (like literally whole pigs and their feet and chickens and lamb...nasty). We finally got some groceries though! It was interesting to find chicken breast that didn't actually include the bones and all. After getting over that we were set on food and ready to make our first home cooked meal since we have arrived in Florence.
 My second class is photography from 4:15-6:45 and it is quite hard. I do not know very much about my camera or what all the terms of photography really mean yet so my picture taking is not coming out great just yet either. Basically today in class we talked about aperature, shutter speed, ISO, and white balance...I was lost the whole class. Hopefully it will all get better though because Florence is such a beautiful city that using my big camera with this class should have an amazing turn out! I just need to work a little bit harder I guess.
 So in honor of the 4th of July, our entire program which consists of about 20ish people decided to go out on the town to celebrate! There were surprisingly so many people out doing the same thing!! American students are a large number of the people that are here in Florence, and everyone had the same idea we had. Some of the bars and clubs were holding specials for the holiday and we had a blast. Dancing, getting in fights with weird Italian men because we do not want to talk to them, getting lost like usual, but having so much fun is what it is all about here! All of us were together so we had so much fun taking pictures late at night outside the Duomo (the main cathedral) and laughed our way home...even though we got lost for about an hour. It is always a blast here and it is always interesting with the people I am with. I love all of my roommates and all of the other girls in the program as well because we all have such a good time with each other. I seriously think that I have made some amazing friends and our friendships that we have only just started really are going to last beyond this trip.

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