Monday, July 25, 2011

Day 25 - July 24

 Sunday = beach day. We wake up after a full nights sleep :) and get some breakfast. It was the best continental breakfast ever! Plus I basically filled my beach bag with snacks and fruit for later so it was even better. We headed to the beach intending on buying chairs and umbrellas to lay out on because they were only supposed to be 5 euros. Well instead we get there and the only 3 left are in the back corner away from the ocean and they are 10 euros, not 5. All of us are way too cheap for that so we decided to go find some space on the free sand. Funny to call it sand was rocks and gravel. You couldn't lay too close to the water in the real sand because it had such high tides that you and your stuff would be drenched. It was soooooo not comfortable but we were happy just to be laying out. We were there for a while then it was kayaking time! We were all a little aprehensive at first because the ocean was a little rough, but I didn't want to miss. Carrie and I were partners and we were pretty good at it. She has done it before so I got a quick lesson before being pushed out into the water.

We rowed around for a while and hung out in the water with everyone, but then eventually made our way home. I was so exhausted from rowing that it took us forever to get back to where we started though. Carrie and I made a great team and didn't fall over once! There were 2 other kayakes that did tip so that made me happy that I was not one of them...that ocean is way too scary for me to be floating around out there! We get back, I reapply some sunscreen (you're welcome mom) and pass out on the rocks. I am going to be so sore tomorrow it is not even funny. Between hiking, kayaking, and laying in gravel, my whole body is going to hurt! On top of all those things, however, Carrie and I decided to (unintentionally) add to our overall "painful" weekend. We saw this awesome looking rock that was massive and half way in the ocean, half way on the shore. We wanted to take pictures on it. Little did we know that most of the beach was covered in, not sand, but rocks. Small, hard rocks. We did not take our flip flops and were miserable the entire way. It was so funny to watch from an outsiders view I am sure, but we have never hurt so bad walking to a stupid rock. The pictures weren't even good because I just look like I am in pain. It is funny now...but at the was really bad.

Either way though I had such a great time and I got quite a good little tan which made me happy :) No sunburn this time either...which was even better. I got another smoothie (pineapple, banana, orange) and we walked towards the train to get home. It was a 3 hour train ride again, but at least this time it was a nonstop train. On the way there we had 3 different stops and some of the time we didn't even get seats. It was miserable. Finally we get home...I go through some of my million pictures it seems and go to bed. I was the first one of the apartment to sleep and it was amazing. Tomorrow starts my last week of classes!! Then it is home time!! Crazy to think I only have one week left...

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