Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Day 20 - July 19 food class today we made the best pasta I have had so far! It was the easiest thing to make too. It was fresh pasta that was thick and cut with this cool guitar spaghetti maker thing. Then you boiled it, and then put it into a pan with olive oil and a little bit of butter. Saute the pasta together while adding a ladel of the starchy pasta water and a ladel of regular cold water. You add one of each then saute it by flipping the pan utensils needed. I am getting good at that too. Then you add quite a bit of fresh ground pepper, 3 good handfuls of cheese, and continue to saute with the two different kinds of water until you get a creamy sauce mixture. That's it. It was amazing!! That is for sure something that I am making when I get home. Everyone loved it and my teacher said it was perfect :) We also had some other things but I made the pasta and it was such a big hit that I can't even really remember what all we made. Haha no we also made some potatoes that were delicious and so easy too. Then we had lamb chops and roasted tomatoes, and for dessert there were these little ameretti cookies. They were pretty good, but not necessarily my favorite dessert we have made. I am so amazed by how simple all the recipes that we make actually are, but they have such great flavor and taste! My recipe book is covered in notes, and my notebook is the same. I try to write as much as I can so I can make it just as well at home as I do in my class. After class I came home to nap. I was exhausted and running on 2 hours of sleep. Besides shower, I didn't really do much between classes, but it was nice. Then photography it was time to finish printing my film pictures in the dark room. It takes so much time to print a picture!!! I was happy I got to try it all out though because I don't know when I will get a chance to work in a dark room again. I also found out that I think my teacher has a crush on me! Haha he was encouraging my classmates to print out the portraits they took of me (we all took them of each other). When I laughed and told everyone not too, he told me that I am under estimating my beauty...ahhh haha. This is like the third
time he has said something awkward like that, although he has said it to other people in the class too. He is kind of the stereotypical, artsy photography guy and gets really into pictures. Whatever I guess. He can think I'm pretty...I mean gees...I'm basically gorgeous and practically a model now :) Haha but anyways, I got my pictures done finally and then we had to edit the portraits that we took digitally. I didn't really feel well and was tired of being there, because it was past class time so I just sent my pictures in with very little editing and left. Hopefully my grade isn't suffering because of my laziness. Its not a good combination...lazy and the fact that there are soooo many other things I want to be doing besides working on homework or studying for class. When I got home my roommates and I were all so tired and it was about to storm outside so we all stayed in. Ate some plain butter noodles for dinner because my stomach hurt and then laid on the couch reading a book for the rest of the night. I went to bed at midnight. That is the earliest I have gone to bed this whole trip. JJ had to work later than normal so I didn't even get to talk to him today. And trust me, that never happens so that REALLY shows how tired I was. 8 hours of I come :)

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